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Making (Non-)Sense @ EduCHi24


Making (Non-)Sense @ EduCHi24

We are delighted to have shared our insights and experiences on AI education for design students at the EduCHI symposium 2024 in New York City. Our paper, ‘Making (Non-)Sense—A Playful and Explorative Approach to Teaching AI Intuition for the Design of Sensor-Based Interactions,’ co-authored by Rahel Flechtner from HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd and Jakob Kilian from the Köln International School of Design (KISD), contributed to the ongoing challenge of integrating AI into the design curriculum effectively. This workshop, as part of the joint research project KITeGG, aimed to equip design students with the necessary intuition for AI technologies to develop sensor-based AI-based interactions. EduCHI 2024, held from June 5-7 at the Pratt Institute’s School of Information in New York City, brought together an international community of scholars, practitioners, and researchers to discuss and shape the future of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) education. Organized in cooperation with the ACM Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction (SIGCHI), EduCHI provides a platform for sharing HCI curricula, teaching materials, and pedagogical experiences. The symposium is designed to foster the exchange of innovative pedagogical approaches and address the needs of HCI educators from around the world, reflecting the latest trends and innovations in the field. You can find the original paper here or download an author’s version by clicking the yellow button on the top left of this article. Additionally, you can access the course materials, published as open source/hardware, here. A video documentation of the workshop is available on Vimeo. For a more detailed discussion on the workshop, please refer to this article.