Rahel Flechtner
Visiting Professor Creative AI

Rahel’s professional fascination moves along the tension between the physical and digital worlds. As an industrial and interaction designer, she focuses on new concepts of human-machine collaboration, tangible interactions, and on co-creating assistive technologies. She has worked for different design studios and research institutions, such as Phoenix Design in Stuttgart, the Design Research Lab in Berlin, and the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI). In October 2022, together with Aeneas Stankowski she joined the HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd as a guest professor for creative AI, building the new AI+D Lab, where they are researching how AI will impact human-computer interaction and design and how the technology can be implemented in design education.
Projects & Publications
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Progress Report: Learnings and experiences from the last two years
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Making (Non-)Sense @ EduCHi24
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Shaping Human-AI Relationships – Workshop
- event | Mar 11 – 11, 2024
Presenting the AI+Design Lab at MWK Networking Event
- Workshop |
Controller: Lab Week Workshop 2023
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State Secretary Arne Braun visited the AI+Design Lab
- Workshop |
Making (Non-)Sense Workshop
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AI Is Not a Wildcard: Challenges for Integrating AI into the Design Curriculum @ EduCHI23
Article |AI Is Not a Wildcard!
- talk |
Pathways for integrating AI education in the design curriculum @ IxDA education summit 2023
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Discussion @ German UPA UX Chat Feb. 23
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Breaking the Pattern - AI as a Tool in the Context of Technology Design @ correlations forum, HfG Offenbach
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Inaugural Lecture Visiting Professorship Creative AI